The Glens of Ironduff Events

Ladies Who Lunch A Bunch - September Brunch!
Please join us for another delightful gathering of the ladies of the Glens of Ironduff!
When:  Tuesday, September 17th at 10:30 AM
What:  Brunch
Where:  Main Street Diner, 18 N Main Street, Waynesville
I have attached a copy of their menu for your review and to tempt you!
Although the diner typically does not take reservations, they have agreed to save space for us in the separate dining room (off to the right in back).
Please let me know by September 16th if you will be able to join us.  
Thank you, we look forward to seeing you there!!
Freida Fox 
or text:  941-544-0725
for the Glens of IronDuff Social Committee
Janice, Sue, Peggy, Barbara, Jan, Freida

Ladies Who Lunch A Bunch - September Brunch!

Sep 17th, 2024 10:30 am

Cold Weather Clothing Collection